Pigeon Racing In August

Pigeon Racing In August During the month of August a number of racing fanciers give more attention to their young birds. This stage is very crucial yet enjoyable. On the other hand, we should never forget that breeders and old…

The Probiotic “Health Dividend” (Part 2)

The Probiotic “Health Dividend” (Part 2 of 2) By: John Vance When all defenses are working properly, 98% of all pathogenic invaders are neutralized and flushed out of the digestive tract without having penetrated the intestinal lining. However, when all…

The Probiotic “Health Dividend” (Part 1)

The Probiotic “Health Dividend” (Part 1 of 2) by John Vance The digestive tract of a racing pigeon, is home to a number of microorganisms, including various types of protozoa, bacteria, and fungi (includes yeast). The normal relationship between these…

“American Pigeon Racing” Documentary

Summary One of the best pigeon presenters known to history Toni Melucci introduces this documentary film that will captivate the avid pigeon racing fancier. This video takes us all around the Gulf Coast of Florida and west of the Mississippi…

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